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Game anomalies               from Howard Jarrold

Probably the biggest number of queries that occur in everyday games and rollups, and cause most argument are those relating to playing out of turn, playing the wrong bowl or failing to play a bowl. Invariably when one of these events occur there is more than one opinion as to what should be done, and quite often the loudest voice or the longest playing member prevails. One such event occured a week or so ago when a player failed to play a bowl and the wrong course of action was taken which resulted in a totally different result to that end.
To test your knowledge , a few scenarios for you, and multiple choice answers. The answers are listed below and there may be more than one course of action.
( 1 ) A player plays out of turn and calls out while the bowl is still running
A. Let the bowl run and then decide the course of action or ( B ) Stop it and place it on the bank as dead or ( C ) Stop the bowl and return it so that proper order of play is restored.
( 2 ) As above but the bowl has come to rest without disturbing the head
A. Do you remove it and call it dead or ( B ) return it as in C above or ( C ) leave the head as it is and have their team play two bowls one after another to get back to the proper order of play.
( 3 ) As in 1 above but the head has been disturbed. Course of action is ?
A. Leave the head as it is and the opposing skip have their team play two bowls one after another and get back to the proper order of play. B. Restore the head, return the bowl and get back to the order of play. ( C ) opposing skip declares the end dead.
( 4 ) If a player plays another player's bowl instead of his own and leaves the head untouched.
A. Swap the bowls over.and if it is a toucher mark the bowl OR ( B ) Remove it OR ( C ) Remove both bowls.
( 5 ) As in question 4 but the head has been disturbed
A. Restore the head and swap the bowls over( marking touchers if they are so. ( B ) Leave bowls as they lie and remove the offending bowl ( C ) Leave the head as it lies and swap the bowls over (marking a toucher.if appropiate)
( 6 ) A player has failed to play a bowl and the process of determining the score has started ( or has been agreed ) when the mistake is noticed. The player
( A ). can play their bowl if the head hasn't been distrurbed ( B ) can replay the end if the skips agree the head cannot be restored ( C ) loses the right to play the bowl and the end is decided in the normal manner.
( 7 ) If a bowl has been played by each team when it is discovered that a previous player has failed to play a bowl in the correct order.The correct procedure is :-
( A. ) The bowl is played as soon as the mistake comes to light ( B ) The bowler must wait till the finish of that end and can choose whether to play then or not. ( C ) The player loses the right to play the bowl

Q 1. C.
Q.2. B and C are correct. The opposing skip must choose.
Q.3. A, B and C are all correct. Opposing skip must choose.
Q. 4. A.
Q. 5 C.
Q. 6 C
Q. 7 C
Rules 29. 1 to 3. refer
So in the case mentioned the bowler loses the right to play that bowl.
It can be intimidating for newer players to stand up to some skips and I have a lot of sympathy for them. The question then is what to do if the skips can't agree. If you play skip would you know what to do ?
Being perfectly honest I wouldn't have known . A member asked me and I found the answer. I'll cover that and more of a skips duties next time.
Submitted date - Tuesday, 20 Aug 2019
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